In Missouri and throughout the nation, some of the most at-risk people for injuries and death are pedestrians. When there are motor vehicle accidents, the vulnerability of pedestrians is substantial. While most drivers keep a close eye on the road, the statistics indicate that pedestrian accidents have been rising significantly.

A study from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) shows this. Those who have been injured as pedestrians or lost a loved one in an auto-pedestrian accident should keep track of these numbers as they can be useful when seeking compensation in a lawsuit.

The total number of pedestrian accidents is at its highest rate since 1990. In 2016, there were close to 6,000 pedestrian fatalities. This was a 46 percent increase from 2009 — the lowest point for these types of accidents.

The rate of these accidents is troublesome as it has a faster increase — 11 percent — than overall fatal accidents. In St. Louis, the issue of pedestrian accidents has been of primary concern since 2015 when there were 21 pedestrian fatalities. That is the most in the past 30 years and a quarter of all pedestrian deaths in the state.

In the U.S., most pedestrian deaths happened in the dark and on roads that send drivers onto freeways. A lack of intersections and faulty crosswalks is believed to inspire people to try and run across the street despite the presence of fast-moving vehicles. SUVs are viewed as a factor in these accidents. The study examined data between 2009 and 2016 with many factors considered. In 2016, there were 5,987 pedestrian fatalities. This was an estimated 16 percent of all traffic fatalities. More than 50 percent happened in areas that are city or suburban. Arterial roadways had a 67 percent increase. 56 percent were in the dark. 50 percent were in non-intersections.

Pedestrian accidents are notoriously risky because of the damage people can face after they have been hit by a car. Medical expenses, lost time on the job, long-term damage and the need for extended treatment and care are all issues after a pedestrian crash. Often, the injuries are so severe that the pedestrian dies. Those who have been affected by motor vehicle accidents should discuss their situation with a legal professional to take the necessary steps to file a lawsuit and receive compensation.

Source:, “Pedestrian deaths soar nationally as SUV use increases,” May 9, 2018