People in Missouri going through hard times may find it difficult to pay all of their bills on time. When people are unable to pay their credit cards, medical bills or auto loans, they may find themselves dealing with letters, calls and texts from debt collection agencies. Debt collection calls may always be difficult to handle, but there are lines that even collection agencies cannot cross. It is important for people dealing with debt to understand the laws that apply to collectors in order to protect themselves and their rights.

Debt collectors are allowed to contact people in order to attempt to get back the money they are owed. In many cases, collection agencies purchase the original debt from the company a person owed, so they have a direct interest in recovery. This doesn’t mean that they are free to use any tactics they choose, however. They can make telephone calls only between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m., and they must stop calling after a written request from a debtor. After a request for no contact, the collection agency may contact the debtor to confirm receipt or note that a lawsuit will be filed, but they cannot keep calling.

In addition, collection agencies cannot discuss the debt with other members of the family while looking for the debtor or attempting to collect the money. They may not use profanity, threaten people or claim that they will have the person who owes money arrested. They are also obligated to verify that the debt is correct and properly documented.

When people are dealing with collection agencies, it can be difficult to see a way out of the seemingly endless calls. People facing calls from collectors that do not abide by the law may work with a consumer protection lawyer to protect their rights and hold violators accountable.