Red-light running crashes led to 939 deaths in 2017, which is the highest the number has been in 10 years. AAA noted that this also marked a 28% increase from the figure from 2012. While most Missouri drivers are aware that running a red light is illegal, many do not see just how dangerous it can be. Others see its danger yet go on and do it anyway.

These attitudes were reflected in a AAA survey. In it, 85% of drivers acknowledged that running a red light is dangerous, yet one in three admitted to doing it in the previous 30 days. Two in five said they don’t worry about being caught by the police.

Intentional speeding and distracted or inattentive driving are the leading causes of red-light running. To deter drivers from these negligent behaviors at intersections, experts say that cities should install red-light cameras. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety has analyzed these devices and found that they can cut down on red-light violations by 40%.

Overall, traffic deaths declined 1% from 2017 to 2018, according to the National Safety Council. Around 40,000 people died in 2018 with speeding, distracted driving and drunk driving being the most widespread factors in these crashes. The NSC did, however, report a decrease in phone use among drivers.

It’s possible to file a personal injury claim in the wake of a red-light running crash. A lot will depend on whether victims themselves were partially to blame and, if so, to what degree. Contributory negligence can lower whatever amount victims are eligible to recover in damages. To ensure a fair settlement, victims may hire a lawyer. Besides negotiating a settlement, an attorney may gather proof against the defendant, bringing in crash investigators if necessary.